OTB Farm Solutions

St. Catharines, Ontario


Expertise: Environment
Keywords: Mediation, expert witness, technical writing, MDS, urban shadow, auditing, speaker, conflict, swing beams
Posted in Private Sector


My consulting business is called OTB Farm Solutions. OTB stands for Outside-the-Barn, because I think outside the box when it comes to conflicts at the property line between rural realities and urban expectations.

Here are seven things you need to know about me and what I do at OTB Farm Solutions

  1. I’m from a dairy farm so I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty; worked 40 years with farmers, and been on more, and different farms than anyone else in Ontario
  2. I speak farmer-language and understand the difficulty of farming for a living, especially in the urban shadow where farmers are vastly outnumbered by non-farmers
  3. I give great presentations at farm and rural meetings because I show lots of pictures, use lots of analogies, tell things honestly and use lots of humor
  4. I’ve been subpoenaed a dozen times as an expert witness on farm nuisances and have 100’s of hours of training in class and on-farm mediating between angry people
  5. I’m good at explaining technical things to non-technical people, because non-techies far outnumber techies, and I helped write the publications on the Minimum Distance Separation formula
  6. My book; "Swing Beam Barns of Niagara' will be published in 2019. It tells stories of 50 barns built ca. 1819-1884 through imagined scenes and dialogue, family and local history, and hundreds of photos and schematics.
  7. I underpromise, but always overachieve, and give you more than you thought you were getting

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