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University of Manitoba
Grain Storage Research Lab
20 Service St. 3S

Expertise: Storage and Handling
Posted in Academics


The Canadian Wheat Board Centre for Grain Storage Research is a multi-million dollar facility dedicated to research on grain storage and handling. The aim of this research is to preserve stored grain in Canada and around the world.

Research is being done to create mathematical models of heat, moisture, and carbon dioxide transfer in grain bulks. The models can be used to develop alternatives for things such as pesticide use, by developing a modified-atmosphere technology, balancing cost of bin sealing against CO2 cost for insect control.  Research is being done to better understand the physical and biological aspects of stored grain.  Machine vision and digital imaging of grain kernels is used to quantify grain characteristics for automation of grain handling and for improvement of grain drying.

The 15,000 square-foot facility, equipped with six research labs and a pilot-scale grain cleaning and handling structure, was designed to allow researchers the ability to solve problems from a multidisciplinary approach, using engineers, entomologists, chemists, and mycologists. Developing cost-effective methods to control and prevent fungal and insect infestations of stored grain will help enhance Canada’s global reputation as a supplier of high-quality grain.

Lab equipment available:

  • machine vision equipment
  • soft x-ray unit
  • near-ambient, high temperature, infrared and microwave driers
  • fan testing unit
  • instrumentation for measuring loads in grain storage structures
  • equipment to measure physical, thermal, biological, and quality characteristics of grains & oilseeds
  • thermal disinfestation systems
  • environmental chambers
  • grain handling equipment
  • several full-size grain bins
